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Re: Did you know? - For Writers

Posted: Sunday 6th December 2020 6:09am
by Quincunxian
If you wish to clean up the text imported from a document created in open office format (the only ones I've tried) then this will remove
all of the punctuation, dialogues tags and other formatting codes so that you can write analysis functions on the remaining text.
I'm 'trying' to create a Gambas application to help me in my SciFi/Fantasy story writing organisation.
{Bit of a cross between 'World Anvil & Grammerly'}
Private Function CleanTextLine(InLine As String) As String

  InLine = Replace(InLine, String.Chr(34), "")   'Unicode Character 'QUOTATION MARK' (U+0022)
  InLine = Replace(InLine, ",", "")              'Normal comma
  InLine = Replace(InLine, ".", "")              'Normal period
  InLine = Replace(InLine, "...", "")            'Unicode Character 'HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS' (U+2026)
  InLine = Replace(InLine, "'", "")              'Normal single quote
  InLine = Replace(InLine, String.Chr(8220), "") 'Left slanted double quote
  InLine = Replace(InLine, String.Chr(8221), "") 'Right slanted double quote
  InLine = Replace(InLine, String.Chr(8217), "") 'Left single quote
  InLine = Replace(InLine, String.Chr(8218), "") 'Right single quote
  InLine = Replace(InLine, "?", "")              'Question mark
  InLine = Replace(InLine, Gb.NewLine, "")       '/n
  InLine = Replace(InLine, String.Chr(9), "")    'Tab
  InLine = Replace(InLine, String.Chr(160), "")  'Unicode Character 'NO-BREAK SPACE' (U+00A0)
  InLine = Replace(InLine, String.Chr(8211), "") 'Unicode Character 'EN DASH' (U+2013)
  InLine = Replace(InLine, String.Chr(8212), "") 'Unicode Character 'EM DASH' (U+2014)

  Return InLine


Importing the .odt document to html so that you can use it in a WebView control
There is a bit of useless 'swarf' imported with the code and I've found removing in bulk helps:
 Exec ["soffice", "--headless", "--convert-to", "html:HTML", {TargetFilePath}] Wait
TmpText = File.Load({TargetFilePath})
MyWebViewControl.HTML = TmpText
To remove:

style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%"
style="font-style: normal"
<span style="background: transparent">

Did you know? The TAB Key

Posted: Wednesday 30th December 2020 11:40am
by stevedee
level: Beginner
category: Editor
subject: the TAB key

If you highlight a line or more of code in the Gambas Editor, and then hit the <TAB> key, you might expect to delete the text.

But no, this will indent the marked text by the number of spaces set in the Editor preferences "default tab size".

If you use <shift><TAB> the marked text will be de-indented by the number of spaces set by "default tab size".

In fact you can be very careless and just highlight a few characters in a line or block of code and <TAB> or <shift><TAB> will still indent correctly.

Did you know? Procedure Folding

Posted: Thursday 31st December 2020 2:07pm
by stevedee
level: Beginner
category: Editor
subject: Procedure Folding

As your program grows, it may become more difficult to see-the-wood-for-the-trees!

Procedure Folding is a great way to temporarily hide clutter in your editor.

First of all go to menu Tools > Preferences > Editor and ensure that Procedure Folding is enabled.

In the code Editor, hold down <shift> key then click on the minus (-) to the left of the procedure to fold it. All text in the procedure will now be hidden, with just the procedure declaration and a plus sign (+) visible.

Hold down <shift> key then click on the plus (+) to the left of a procedure to re-display the full procedure.

Re: Did you know?

Posted: Sunday 3rd January 2021 5:24pm
by cogier
Do you know what the Spacing Property does?

When using a HSplit or VSplit try the Spacing Property

Without Spacing: -


With Spacing: -


Did you know? Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted: Tuesday 5th January 2021 4:30pm
by stevedee
level: Beginner
category: Editor
subject: using keyboard shortcuts

At the "hobby" level, its very much a personal choice whether you use the editor menu for simple copy/paste type operations or use keyboard shortcuts.

However, the more you code, the more the benefits of using keyboard shortcuts become apparent.

There are only five key combinations that you need to remember and these are pretty much universal for most text editors, word processors and development environments:-

cut <ctrl>x

copy <ctrl>c

paste <ctrl>v

undo <ctrl>z

redo <ctrl>y

Did you know? Settings.Read() & Settings.Write()

Posted: Sunday 10th January 2021 11:28am
by stevedee
level: Intermediate
category: Language
subject: gb.Settings

Although the Gambas wiki shows an example of how to save a window size and position, there is as easier method.

The wiki example saves settings like this:-
  Settings["Window/Top"] = Me.Top
  Settings["Window/Left"] = Me.Left
  Settings["Window/Height"] = Me.Height
  Settings["Window/Width"] = Me.Width

...and retrieves and sets the form/window like this:-
  Me.Top = Settings["Window/Top", Me.Top]
  Me.Left = Settings["Window/Left", Me.Left]
  Me.Height = Settings["Window/Height", Me.Height]
  Me.Width = Settings["Window/Width", Me.Width]
But it is much simpler to use the .Read() & .Write() methods:-
  Settings.Read(Me, "theWindow")
    Settings.Write(Me, "theWindow")

Also note that when using:-
  Me.Top = Settings["Window/Top", Me.Top] must supply a default in case the data cannot be found from the .conf file.

However, you do not need to provide a default value when using the .Read() method.

The Settings.Read() and .Write() methods are also very useful when working with any controls that have a .Setting property, including; FileChooser, FileView, SidePanel, ColumnView, h & vSplit

  Settings.Read(FileChooser1, "Files")
    Settings.Write(FileChooser1, "Files")

Re: Did you know?

Posted: Monday 8th February 2021 2:11pm
by BruceSteers
level: Beginner
category: Editor
subject: Setting Help text

Did you know you can provide text to the help system about your module/class functions and variables using 2 single quotes?

'' <- that's 2 single quotes '

You can add a comment before the function/variable definition using 2 single quotes and use markdown syntax too then the popup object list from another file will show the info in the help.

so if you consider this...

' Gambas module file

'' The file to save the log to.
Public LogFile As String

Public ProcRC As Integer

'' Start the **compilation process** from the beginning<br>Or from a point via the **right click menu** options.

Public Sub Begin(Optional SingleCommand As Integer = -1, Optional bRunFrom As Boolean)
  Dim sTime As Date = Now
  File.Save(LogFile, "Gambas Compiler Utility log.\nStarted " & Now & "\n\n")
  ProcRC = 0

' rest of code.....
Will produce this...
And this...

Re: Did you know? Settings.Read() & Settings.Write()

Posted: Tuesday 9th February 2021 3:23am
by PJBlack
stevedee wrote: Sunday 10th January 2021 11:28am But it is much simpler to use the .Read() & .Write() methods:-
  Settings.Read(Me, "theWindow")
    Settings.Write(Me, "theWindow")
there is one more advantage of that ... in the settings file the screen number is stored as last parameter

Did you know? ...always use a default with Select Case

Posted: Tuesday 16th February 2021 10:52am
by stevedee
level: Beginner
category: Language
subject: Select Case

Select Case is my favourite way to code a choice between a number of options. Its so much neater than a string of If...Then...Else If...Then...Else If...

Although you can use Select Case with just the cases you think your code will encounter, like this:-
Private Sub Colour()
  Select Case LCase(TextBox1.Text)
    Case "black"
      Me.Background = Color.Black
    Case "white"
      Me.Background = Color.White
  End Select

Public Sub Button1_Click()


...its good coding practice to ensure that you will never accidentally drop through this code without making a selection, for example by using Case Else:-
Private Sub Colour()
  Select Case LCase(TextBox1.Text)
    Case "black"
      Me.Background = Color.Black
    Case "white"
      Me.Background = Color.White
    Case Else
      Me.Background = Color.Gray
  End Select

Public Sub Button1_Click()


I seem to struggle to remember if its Case Else or Else Case, so I recommend you simply use the key word Default:-
Private Sub Colour()
  Select Case LCase(TextBox1.Text)
    Case "black"
      Me.Background = Color.Black
    Case "white"
      Me.Background = Color.White
      Me.Background = Color.Gray
  End Select

Public Sub Button1_Click()



Re: Did you know?

Posted: Thursday 18th February 2021 4:11pm
by progger
If you create a comment that starts with "TODO:" then that comment shows up in you Notes list. This is a nice way to keep track of your ToDo-list :)
Gamabs ToDo-list.png
Gamabs ToDo-list.png (74.93 KiB) Viewed 33956 times