Ask a question about JSON

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Ask a question about JSON

Post by yzsdn »


As shown in the figure, how can I get this mame value?

Hope to give someone a :cry:
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Re: Ask a question about JSON

Post by Quincunxian »

Hi yzsdn
Make sure your project has the gb.web component ticked.
This component has the JSON & JSONCollection classes that you will require.

You can find an introduction to JSON Collections Here

Below is a piece of example code that I use to get JSON results for a Book search from Google Books.
It will work much the same way but you will need to change the format to suit the JSON format of the results in your example.
ie: For Each JSonData["songs"]...

I use a WebView control to get the data by setting the URL field to the search string with the API Key ( assume you have one as well)
Once the data is returned, the WebView.Text will contains the JSON data
Private Sub GetSearchResults()
  Dim JSonData As New Collection
  Dim TmpInt As Integer = 0
  Dim TmpJson As Collection
  Dim RowNo As Integer = 0
  Dim TmpStr As String
  Dim TmpAuthor As String[]

  JSonData = JSON.Decode(WebView1.Text, True)
  If IsNull(JSonData) Then
    Message("Your search [" & AG.APISearchText & "] returned no data")
        For Each JSonData["items"]
          Grd_Results.Rows.Count = RowNo + 1
          TmpJson = JSonData["items"][RowNo]["volumeInfo"]
          Grd_Results[RowNo, 0].Text = Str(RowNo + 1)
          Grd_Results[RowNo, 1].Text = JSonData["items"][RowNo]["volumeInfo"]["title"]
          TmpAuthor = JSonData["items"][RowNo]["volumeInfo"]["authors"]
          For Each TmpStr In TmpAuthor
            Grd_Results[RowNo, 2].Text = TmpStr & " "
          Grd_Results[RowNo, 3].Text = JSonData["items"][RowNo]["volumeInfo"]["publishedDate"]
          Grd_Results[RowNo, 4].Text = JSonData["items"][RowNo]["volumeInfo"]["publisher"]
          Inc RowNo


Grd_Results is a standard Gridview control.
AG.APISearchText is a global string value used to pass the search text between forms.

This should give you enough information to decode your JSON results - It may take a bit of trial and error.

Hope this helps.
Cheers - Quin.
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Re: Ask a question about JSON

Post by Quincunxian »

Here is an partial example of the search results for a book called Gullivers Travels

"kind": "books#volumes",
"totalItems": 41,
"items": [
"kind": "books#volume",
"id": "9XBtCwAAQBAJ",
"etag": "EHIKp6yCh4E",
"selfLink": " ... AAAAAAAAAA",
"volumeInfo": {
"title": "Gullivers Travels",
"subtitle": "Class Ix",
"authors": [
"Jonathan Swift"
"publisher": "Prabhat Prakashan",
"publishedDate": "1938-01-01",
"description": "Jonathan Swift’s satirical novel was first published in 1726, yet it is still valid today. Gulliver’s Travels describes the four fantastic voyages of Lemuel Gulliver, a kindly ship’s surgeon. Swift portrays him as an observer, a reporter, and a victim of circumstance. His travels take him to Lilliput where he is a giant observing tiny people. In Brobdingnag, the tables are reversed and he is the tiny person in a land of giants where he is exhibited as a curiosity at markets and fairs. The flying island of Laputa is the scene of his next voyage. The people plan and plot as their country lies in ruins. It is a world of illusion and distorted values. The fourth and final voyage takes him to the home of the Houyhnhnms, gentle horses who rule the land.",
"industryIdentifiers": [
"type": "ISBN_13",
"identifier": "9789351864127"
"type": "ISBN_10",
"identifier": "935186412X"
"readingModes": {
"text": true,
"image": true
"pageCount": 312,
"printType": "BOOK",
"categories": [
"Comics & Graphic Novels"
"maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE",
"allowAnonLogging": false,
"contentVersion": "",
"panelizationSummary": {
"containsEpubBubbles": false,
"containsImageBubbles": false
"imageLinks": {
"smallThumbnail": " ... ce=gbs_api",
"thumbnail": " ... ce=gbs_api"
"language": "en",
"previewLink": " ... ce=gbs_api",
"infoLink": " ... ce=gbs_api",
"canonicalVolumeLink": " ... BtCwAAQBAJ"
Cheers - Quin.
I code therefore I am
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Re: Ask a question about JSON

Post by yzsdn »

Quincunxian wrote: Wednesday 29th July 2020 1:34am Here is an partial example of the search results for a book called Gullivers Travels

"kind": "books#volumes",
"totalItems": 41,
"items": [
"kind": "books#volume",
"id": "9XBtCwAAQBAJ",
"etag": "EHIKp6yCh4E",
"selfLink": " ... AAAAAAAAAA",
"volumeInfo": {
"title": "Gullivers Travels",
"subtitle": "Class Ix",
"authors": [
"Jonathan Swift"
"publisher": "Prabhat Prakashan",
"publishedDate": "1938-01-01",
"description": "Jonathan Swift’s satirical novel was first published in 1726, yet it is still valid today. Gulliver’s Travels describes the four fantastic voyages of Lemuel Gulliver, a kindly ship’s surgeon. Swift portrays him as an observer, a reporter, and a victim of circumstance. His travels take him to Lilliput where he is a giant observing tiny people. In Brobdingnag, the tables are reversed and he is the tiny person in a land of giants where he is exhibited as a curiosity at markets and fairs. The flying island of Laputa is the scene of his next voyage. The people plan and plot as their country lies in ruins. It is a world of illusion and distorted values. The fourth and final voyage takes him to the home of the Houyhnhnms, gentle horses who rule the land.",
"industryIdentifiers": [
"type": "ISBN_13",
"identifier": "9789351864127"
"type": "ISBN_10",
"identifier": "935186412X"
"readingModes": {
"text": true,
"image": true
"pageCount": 312,
"printType": "BOOK",
"categories": [
"Comics & Graphic Novels"
"maturityRating": "NOT_MATURE",
"allowAnonLogging": false,
"contentVersion": "",
"panelizationSummary": {
"containsEpubBubbles": false,
"containsImageBubbles": false
"imageLinks": {
"smallThumbnail": " ... ce=gbs_api",
"thumbnail": " ... ce=gbs_api"
"language": "en",
"previewLink": " ... ce=gbs_api",
"infoLink": " ... ce=gbs_api",
"canonicalVolumeLink": " ... BtCwAAQBAJ"

I have found a suitable solution, but thank you, I will quote your reference in the future :D
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