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Font Selection Broken in Gambas Daily PPA

Posted: Saturday 20th February 2021 2:58pm
by Matthew-Collins

Anyone notice the font selection is broken in Gambas Daily, see below ?

Linux Mint 20.1 - Gambas Daily
Screenshot from 2021-02-20 14-51-03.png
Screenshot from 2021-02-20 14-51-03.png (53.65 KiB) Viewed 1967 times
Linux Mint 20.1 - Gambas Stable

Re: Font Selection Broken in Gambas Daily PPA

Posted: Saturday 20th February 2021 3:24pm
by BruceSteers
Gambas has a problem on some systems if your desktop font size is too small.

Go to your system Appearance settings and change the default "Application Font" to something more than 10.
I have found the mark is 10 , at Application font size 10 some systems have a problem, at 11 all is okay , Mint is okay and so is ubuntu on size 10, issues on most other systems though.

wait hang on , you're using Mint?? So not sure why you're getting the problem then, it's fine on mine, even at size 10??

I have reported this bug a while ago and Benoit is trying to fix it (the reason for Desktop.Scale being recently added to System info page) ... m=L21haW4-

So up your desktop font size to 11 (desktop settings not gambas settings) and it should fix it :)

Hmm, unless you have a different problem , like i say font setting all working fine on my latest gambas (mint 20).