Advise on httpClient

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Advise on httpClient

Post by AndyGable »

I am trying to get my Linux version of my card processing module working but I am getting a error.

"Invalid authorization credentials provided"

Below is my code i am currently using

Code: Select all

Dim hClient as HttpClient
Dim sBuffer as String
hClient = New HttpClient as "hClient"
With hClient 
       .URL = Global.PS_URL &"/terminals/" & global.TerminalNumber
       .Auth = 1
       .User = Base64$(global.PS_User)
       .Password = Base64$()Gl;obal.PS_Pass)
       '.Headers.Add("Software-House-ID :SD45T92")
       '.Headers.Add("Installer-Id : SD45T92")
       .Sync = False
       .Timeout = 60
End With
the global.PS_URL and global.TerminalNumber are populated when the application starts and it creates the correct URL needed

Can someone tell me how I can send the user name and Password to the cloud server, Also as you can see the 2 headers.add are
commented out as when I try to include them I get a error (do I need to you a different method of sending that information to
the cloud server I am talking to.

Any help is most appreciated as once I get this working I should be able to work out how to read the Json data that is returned
(if anyone has any examples of this they would be very much appreciated)

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Re: Advise on httpClient

Post by cogier »

What does the URL start with? If it is sftp you may need to shell to Curl as I can't get Gambas to handle secure sites.

If so, try something like this: -
Shell "curl -k 's' --user 'MyUserName:MyPassword' -o " & User.Home &/ File.json Wait
This will get the File.json from the root directory of and save it in your Home folder as File.json
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Re: Advise on httpClient

Post by AndyGable »

The url starts https ( ... .cloud/pac)

In Windows i can get the terminal status via the following code

Code: Select all

            Dim Request As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(PS_URL & "/terminals/" & TerminalIDNumber)
            Dim credentials As String = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(PS_USER & ":" & PS_PASS))
            txtResults.Text = vbNullString

            With Request
                .Proxy = Nothing
                .Headers(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization) = String.Format("Basic {0}", credentials)
                .Accept = "application/connect.v2+json"
                .Headers.Add("Software-House-Id: SD459T92") ' algPoS ID Number
                .Headers.Add("Installer-Id:" & InstallerID)
                .UserAgent = PS_USER
            End With

            Dim response As HttpWebResponse = Request.GetResponse()
            Dim dataStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream
            Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
            Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()

            txtResults.Text = responseFromServer

            If responseFromServer = "0" Then
                MsgBox("Retreal of Status Failed")
                Dim json As String = responseFromServer
                Dim ser As JObject = JObject.Parse(json)
                Dim data As List(Of JToken) = ser.Children().ToList
                For Each item As JProperty In data
                    Select Case item.Name
                        Case "status"
                            Select Case item.Value
                                Case "AVAILABLE"
                                    GetStatus = 1
                                    If DontSendDataToPoS = 0 Then SendToPoSterminal("TerminalOnLine|")
                                    addtoStatusList("Terminal Ready")

                                Case "BUSY"
                                    If DontSendDataToPoS = 0 Then SendToPoSterminal("TerminalBusy|")
                                    addtoStatusList("Terminal busy please wait 10 seconds and try again")

                                Case "Offline", "OFFLINE", "offline"
                                    If DontSendDataToPoS = 0 Then SendToPoSterminal("offline|")
                                    addtoStatusList("Terminal OFFLINE NO Card processing Possible - Please check with Payment Sense")
                            End Select
                    End Select
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            If DebugActive = "Yes" Then AddToDebugList(ex.ToString)
            If DontSendDataToPoS = 0 Then SendToPoSterminal("ProcessingError")
        End Try
The above works perfectly so I need to work out how to make it work in Gambas (once i have this I can can crack on with the rest of the module)
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