Load available printers to a combobox

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Load available printers to a combobox

Post by theyikes »

hi guys! I'm not quite sure if this qualifies as a QUICK question but I'm gonna ask anyway!

Ok i'd like to populate a combobox with a list of available printers.

I'm aware lpstat -a in a konsole yields the result I'm after but I can't figure out how to apply that to Gambas!

Anyone able to help me out........ again! :)
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Re: Load available printers to a combobox

Post by vuott »

If you want to know a list of available printers in your system, maybe this page can help you:

https://www.gambas-it.org/wiki/index.ph ... io_sistema
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Re: Load available printers to a combobox

Post by gbWilly »

Try this routine (Note: I did write it here without testing and the IDE for syntax control):

Public Sub ListPrinters()

  Dim aPrinters As String[]
  Dim sOut, sLine As String

  Exec["lpstat", "-a"] Wait To sOut
  aPrinters = Split(sOut, "\n")
  For Each sLine in aPrinters
    Print sLine


The Print instruction can be replaced by placing it in for example a ListView.

You can further refine the output by searching each sLine for the position of the text 'accepting' and use some String functions to cut of the line and have just printer name remaining. Look for functions like Instr() to determine position and Left() etc. to remove the unwanted text.

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Re: Load available printers to a combobox

Post by cogier »

Well, here is my solution. The code requires that ComboBox1 to be on the Form.

Public Sub ListPrinters()
  Dim sPrinters As String[]                                                     'To store the printers
  Dim sList, sDefault As String                                                 'sList will store all the Printers, sDefault will store the Default Printer
  Dim iLoop As Integer                                                          'Loop counter
  Shell "lpq" To sDefault                                                       'Get the Default Printer
  sDefault = Left(sDefault, InStr(sDefault, " ") - 1)                           'Shorten the returned description
  Shell "lpstat -a" To sList                                                    'Get a list of all the Printers
  sPrinters = Split(sList, gb.NewLine, "", True)                                'Split the list and store in sPrinters
  For iLoop = 0 To sPrinters.Max                                                'Loop through all the Printers  
    sPrinters[iloop] = Left(sPrinters[iloop], InStr(sPrinters[iloop], " ") - 1) 'Shorten the returned description
  ComboBox1.List = sPrinters                                                    'Add the Printers to the ComboBox
  ComboBox1.Text = sDefault                                                     'Display the Default Printer
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Re: Load available printers to a combobox

Post by BruceSteers »

If you are planning on using gb.form.print you can maybe use the Printer.List property?

ComboBox1.List = Printer.List
If at first you don't succeed , try doing something differently.
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Re: Load available printers to a combobox

Post by theyikes »

Thanks for all the replies . Cogler your's worked perfectly. This is why i love linux, the community support is amazing!
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