Wayland and desktop enviroments

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Wayland and desktop enviroments

Post by cage »

Wonder what effects to Gambas when the DE maintainers switch to Wayland. Seems most of the DE's are going to switch. I know that there is many problems with Wayland with many programs will not even run under Wayland. As far as I have been able to find out is that the originator of Wayland has abandoned his role in Wayland. The development team does not work as a cohesive team but rather each going his own way. Wayland is far from being ready for prime time release and that is sad. It could be a good alternative to X but I feel not for many years to come.
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Re: Wayland and desktop enviroments

Post by BruceSteers »

I'm not so sure X is going to disappear.

When gnome shell came out to replace gnome2 so many people wanted gnome2 still that MATE and Cinnamon were born of it and they still exist.

I think wayland is a new linux fork , not a direction.
gnome3 was supposed to be a new direction but gome2 popularity made it fork.

I hate wayland and it's principles , they do not seem forged in the open source world.
so many security features that most of us do not require as we use open source software that does not contain malicious code. their security features are configured for a closed source world of secrecy. probably more geared towards making money with proprietary software.
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Re: Wayland and desktop enviroments

Post by BruceSteers »

Mostly though i find gambas only7 has the following issues with wayland...

Window position...
Wayland has nothing to do with window positioning, it considers it part of the Compositors job. in wayland the compositor provides a sandboxed window space. in gambas the window it gets has no screen position data, a gambas application in wayland is always 0,0.
What it means for us...
Forget window positioning , .Move(), .X, .Y , Settings.Read(Me) none of it works on the top level window.

TrayIcon just does not work on wayland. possibly it can be updated to work with wayland but nobody has done it yet.

Desktop.ScreenShot(X,Y, W, H)
Wayland considers it bad security to let an application take screenshots so the only method is to pop open a screenshot requester dialog.
What it means for us...
all you can do with wayland is call desktop.screenshot to open the dialog. no code that tries to use Desktop.Screenshot(X,Y,W,H) to get an area of the screen will work.

Not sure what else is currently broken with wayland.
If at first you don't succeed , try doing something differently.
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