Gb.util is installed, but can't make it work

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Gb.util is installed, but can't make it work

Post by tailkinker »

I am trying to use gb.util.csvfile to manage csv files.

When I use Dim nutrientsin as new gb.util.csvfile, the gb turns orange, but util never shows up in the menu of options to add.

I also tried dim nutrientsin as csvfile in the class section, before the public sub, and after. Csvfile turns orange, but then it comes up with unknown identifier error.

I ran search and found out the gb.util is installed. This is in a Chromebook, Debian Trixie, Gambas 3.20.

How do I get this to open, read, and write to one or more csv files.

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Re: Gb.util is installed, but can't make it work

Post by BruceSteers »

You have to now add the component to your project.

Goto project properties and select components.
there you should find the gb.util component to enable.
If at first you don't succeed , try doing something differently.
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Re: Gb.util is installed, but can't make it work

Post by tailkinker »

Went to properties and found gb.util. It has a green circle next to it. To the left, I clicked both boxes, but still no joy. I also exited completely from Gambas and went back in.

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Re: Gb.util is installed, but can't make it work

Post by BruceSteers »

unclick the second box , i don't know what it is (it looks like it disables it but does not remove it)

just select the 1 box to the left :)
If at first you don't succeed , try doing something differently.
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Re: Gb.util is installed, but can't make it work

Post by tailkinker »

Still no joy.

Is there something else that needs to be installed? I only have gb.form, gb.gui, gb.image, and gb.util checked off.

Ps - there is one other error but I worked around it by opening the fmain form auto resize to false, I think. Before I did that, the from just opened as a kind of cursor thing I had to expand with the mouse.

The error is still there

Org.gsmbas. 1763:1763 gtk warning negative content width -6 (allocation 12, extent 9 x 9) while allocating gadget. Node entry owner gtkentry.

There are 2 other errors like that with different sizes.

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Re: Gb.util is installed, but can't make it work

Post by tailkinker »


Ps all of a sudden it's working, but I have no clue why.

Usually I don't have these kinds of problems.

Thx for helping.
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Re: Gb.util is installed, but can't make it work

Post by cogier »

I am a great fan of CSV files. I just load the file into an array split by NewLine and later split the line as necessary.


Here is a small example program
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Re: Gb.util is installed, but can't make it work

Post by tailkinker »

Thx, I think for some parts of my program I might read into an array. Other parts it won't be feasible because of the number of lines. I'm working on a nutrient calculation program that stores batches of ingredients. There are thousands in the csv I am pulling the data from. Might still decide to dump that into a database.
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