Hello Vuott and forum,
I made some progress on my own, and I am closer with my test on what I am looking to do with Gambas, but now quite there yet.
The following code works to display the output of the videotesrc plugin from GStreamer:
Public Sub Button1_Click()
Dim oPipeline As MediaPipeline
Dim oMC As MediaControl
Dim oSNK As MediaControl
oPipeline = New MediaPipeline
oMC = New MediaControl(oPipeline, "videotestsrc")
oMC["is-live"] = True
oMC["horizontal-speed"] = 1
oSNK = New MediaControl(oPipeline, "ximagesink")
oSNK.SetWindow(drawingArea1, 10, 10, 100, 100)
Wait 10
However, the video takes the entire form area, and not the location of the DrawingArea1. I've also tried to set the X,Y, W, H but this isn't working with the ximagesink.
Here is the form I created:
and here is the form when I run the code:
As you can see, the output of the pipeline takes the entire area of the form. But what I want is for the video to be bound by the X,Y,H,W of DrawingArea1.
Thanks for any help here.